For inquiries or to just say hi - connect with Murphy’s Lawyer on social media, e-mail murphy@murphyslawyer.nyc or fill out the form below!
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CLICK HERE @murphyslawyer.nyc

Yesterday’s office on the rooftop of @brassmonkeynyc for the @irishnetworknyc May event ☺️ #giggingmusician #irishnetworknyc #irishnyc #brassmonkey #meatpackingdistrict #goodtimes #timelapse

Nice way to close the night at @courtyardalehouse with @allengogarty and Donie ☺️#nycmusic #musicians #irishmusic #irishpubs #banjo #sunnyside #courtyardalehouse

A little fun jamming out @taylorswift for @maeveohallorangannon at @maryosirishpub for Sunday Supper, Scones and Songs with Murphy’s Lawyer #antihero #taylorswift #coversong #giggingmusician #livemusic #nycmusician

#playersguitars in Worth, IL did an amazing job with my #heritageguitar - it ain’t pretty, but it plays!! Nice to have this back in my arsenal after nearly a decade lying broken in the case 😝 #gratitude #guitarrepair #brokenheadstock #musicians #jazzguitar

Current mood at The Old Town Alehouse in Chicago enjoying a @guinness and reading @literallyrobertdean #jazzonthejukebox #oldtownalehouse #chicago #guinness #robertdean #authors #sundaypint #existentialthirsttrap #oldtownalehousechicago

Thrilled to be playing the @irishnetworknyc monthly event this month on the ROOFTOP of @brassmonkeynyc in the Meatpacking District. The event is open to everyone ☺️☘️🎶 #irishnetworknyc #brassmonkeynyc #murphyslawyer #irish #irishamerican #livemusic #networking #meatpackingdistrict #giggingmusician #singersongwriter

My first gig back in NYC is at @oliversastoria with @astoriamusiccollectivenyc - I always have so much fun playing here!! #livemusic #astoria #astoriaqueens #oliversastoria #astoriamusiccollective #queensmusic #murphyslawyer #singersongwriter

What a fun night it was at @celticcrossingchicago last night - ended up playing way past 9pm and enjoyed the craic with these fine gentleman and others at the bar! Paddy (far left) and Declan (next to me) have the most incredible voices - it was such a treat to sit around with some pints and listen to them swap songs!! Thank you for the fine memories Celtic Crossing - can’t wait to come back!! #chicago #celticcrossingirishpub #irishpub #pintsandsongs #guinness #paddyhoman #gratitude #blackandwhitephotography #finememories #murphyslawyer #giggingmusician

Sunday night gig in Chicago at @celticcrossingchicago and I’m thirsty for a pint 😝 #guinness #chicago #chicagoirish #irishpubs #singersongwriter #giggingmusician #murphyslawyer

What a full and fun day yesterday!! Started the morning off with @irishradiogirl live on air with Chicago Irish Radio - The O’Connor Show and met fellow troubadour @kieranbyrnemusic in the parking lot. Spent the evening playing a fun show at @blarneystonepub_oakforest - so much great energy!! Thank you to everyone that came out - it was a special night! #giggingmusician #singersongwriter #chicago #chicagoirishradio #1490am #theoconnorshow #blarneystonepub_oakforest #blarneystonepub #gratitude #oakpark #oakforest #chicagoland #livemusic #murphyslawyer

#nameinlights 😜

Hey Chicago family and friends! I’m excited to be back in Chicago and playing some shows - would love to see ya out and about if there’s any you can make. I’m not sure if there are any tickets left for Moonrunner’s Festival, but the rest are no cover!! Tune into 1490AM to hear me on Chicago Irish Radio - The O’Connor Show this Saturday 4/29. #livemusic #singersongwriter #chicago #chicagoland #oakforest #lemont #celticcrossings #blarneystonepub #hughiemcclaffertys #chicagoirishradio #theoconnorshow #moonrunnersmusicfestival #reggieschicago #murphyslawyer

Excited to be back in Chicago and will be popping in to pay a visit to @irishradiogirl this Saturday (4/29) for a live spot on Chicago Irish Radio - The O'Connor Show on 1490AM. You can find a repeat of the episode wherever you listen to podcasts under Chicago Irish Radio - The O'Connor Show #chicago #liveradio #irishradio #singersongwriter #theoconnorshow #chicagoirishradio #irishradiogirl #murphyslawyer

Look out Lemont! I’m coming in hot 😜. Excited to be at @hughieslemont this Friday (4/21)!! #livemusic #lemont #chicagoland #singersongwriter #murphyslawyer #hughiemcclaffertys

Slight change for tonight’s gig at @odonoghuests in #timessquare - the one and only @patmanganmusic will be joining me tonight for tunes, songs and random acts of chaos! Come through if you’re in the neon jungle #livemusic #nycmusic #irishmusic #murphyslawyer #patmangan #fiddle #singersongwriter #odonoghues #giggingmusicians

Going, going, gone! As of today, the Murphy’s Lawyer name and logo is officially trademarked with @uspto !! Thank you so much to @vla_newyork and @robinskaplan for your hard work and for helping me see this through!! #trademark #vla #volunteerlawyersforthearts #robinskaplan #logo #artistname #servicemark #uspto #trademarkofficialgazette #murphyslawyer #ifyoulikeitthenyoushouldaputaringonit

For my friends at NAMM today, check out my bro-in-law @stevenchelliah at the @fmguitarsofficial booth today at 1pm PDT showcasing his amazing custom double-neck fretless/fretted guitar and original @fuzasian music #namm2023 #fmguitars #booth5432 #stevenchelliah #fuzasian #doubleneckguitar #customguitar #fretlessguitar #indianjazz